#Service Bulletins
BOOMERANG COASTER #441 Vekoma (Holland)
20706 dated 18.01.2018
Published by
Enrico Fabbri
A UK registered inspector found cracks on a Vekoma Boomerang coaster car axle, on a Vekoma MK 1205 train. One is cracking through the cap mounting holes and the other cracking from the weld across the beam. The cracking through the holes extends to both sides of the hole and down to the bearing seat.
We publish here also the Vekoma Bulletins regarding similar cracks found.
We remind that inspection of car axles in roller coasters is VITAL for the safe operation. Car axles are among the most dangerous parts in the amusement field since by occurring a failure they generate tragic damages. Many parks adopted the procedure to completely disassemble these parts at least once a year and perform a thorough NDT check, changing completely the parts if cracks are found.

Type of contents:  Technical Bulletin
Issued by:  NAFLIC
Manufacturer:  VEKOMA
Ride name:  Boomerang Roller Coaster
Reference N°:  441
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