Integral text of IAAPA email sent to members on August 25th 2017, titled
Member Alert: China Special Inspection of Rides
Dear IAAPA Member:
In April 2017, China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute ("CSEI") posted on their website a Notice on Manufacturers' Inspection in the Identification and Control of Potential Safety Risks of Large Recreation Facilities for 2017 ("CSEI Notice" or "Notice").
The CSEI notice requires inspection of all amusement rides and devices operating in China, and completion of forms by both the operators and the original manufacturers of rides operating in China, certifying ride safety by 31 August 2017.
In June at the Asia Attractions Expo, IAAPA learned of the CSEI notice from a number of IAAPA members. IAAPA immediately engaged resources to gain greater understanding and clarity on the requirements of the CSEI Notice. This process culminated with an in-person meeting between IAAPA and CSEI on 23 August 2017.
At this meeting, CSEI made clear its interest in working closely with IAAPA on amusement ride safety in China. The special inspection is in response to accidents in China and upcoming government events.
There was no indication in the meeting the CSEI Notice would be anything more than the current one-time requirement. Although there was no change in the deadline, CSEI pledged to work directly with IAAPA members on the completion of the inspection forms.
IAAPA strongly urges members who have not completed the inspection and forms to make direct contact with CSEI as soon as possible. That contact is Mr. Frank Zheng – Assistant to Chief of amusement device section. His email address is
As a result of the meeting, IAAPA and CSEI pledged to on-going dialogue and strengthening the relationship and communication. We will continue to keep you updated on any new information as we receive it.
If IAAPA can be of further assistance on this topic, please contact Doug Stagner, COO, at