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On the main page you can see all the posts sorted by date. The posts have different colors depending on the category of publication between used attractions, maintenance and safety bulletins. Posts colored purple are paid advertisements and are displayed in a different date order than the main one.
• PREFERENCES: It is a gear-shaped symbol located at the top left of the screen, it allows you to access the registration procedure and gives access to a series of information. In this area it is also possible to set the language of use (to be selected between the main and secondary ones).
• FAVORITES (LIKE): It is a heart-shaped symbol located at the top right of the screen. The symbol is only visible if you are a registered user. This option allows you to view all the posts you have selected with the (LIKE) option and can be used to keep tabs on the posts that are most interesting to you.
• ADS (ADS): Gives access to the procedures that allow you to publish your ads. Access to the pages is permitted to registered users.
• INDEX: This page allows direct access to the various categories and external links.
• SUPPLIER LIST (DIRECTORY): Allows access to the list of suppliers of selected products or services divided into different categories.
• FAVORITES (LIKE): It is a heart-shaped symbol located at the top right of the screen. The symbol is only visible if you are a registered user. This option allows you to view all the posts you have selected with the (LIKE) option and can be used to keep tabs on the posts that are most interesting to you.
• ADS (ADS): Gives access to the procedures that allow you to publish your ads. Access to the pages is permitted to registered users.
• INDEX: This page allows direct access to the various categories and external links.
• SUPPLIER LIST (DIRECTORY): Allows access to the list of suppliers of selected products or services divided into different categories.
In each post you can see a series of images and information published.
• CHANGE LANGUAGE: You can change the reading language by choosing from the five languages offered
• LIKE: Use this option to report the post in your personal category
• VIEWS: Shows the progressive number of views made by users
• MESSAGE TO SELLER: Use this option to send your message to the seller, using this option you will share your personal information
• INAPPROPRIATE USE: It is a symbol in the shape of three dots and allows you to report posts that in your opinion are inappropriate
• NEW AD: It is a message that appears on all posts published in the last 15 days
• LIKE: Use this option to report the post in your personal category
• VIEWS: Shows the progressive number of views made by users
• MESSAGE TO SELLER: Use this option to send your message to the seller, using this option you will share your personal information
• INAPPROPRIATE USE: It is a symbol in the shape of three dots and allows you to report posts that in your opinion are inappropriate
• NEW AD: It is a message that appears on all posts published in the last 15 days