Usage Policy
Thank you for using RidesZone!
RidesZone is a place to share User Content only related to the amusement rides, amusement parks, aquarium, zoo and circus, all other content related to different activity are not allowed and will be removed immediately.
Any User Content you add to RidesZone should follow also our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If we contact you to remove or modify your contents that go against our policies, you must respond to us and delete or modify the content within 24 hours. We may remove anything for any reason, including post, ads and your RidesZone account.
Adds User Content in sections like, for example, Used-Rides, Rides Maintenance and Safety Bulletins may need that you contact and share your contacts and information about your activity. Limitations on the use of these special sections could be applied.
You are not allowed to publish anything that:
- Add contents related to new products or services, as well the sale of new components, in sections designated for “second hand products for sale”
- Whether sexually explicit or pornographic material
- Creates a genuine risk of physical injury or property damage, information or content illegal
- Promote self-harm, eating disorders or abuse of hard drugs, offering drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms or other dangerous materials
- Attacks, intimidate harassing non-public persons
- Violate the intellectual property, privacy or other rights of others, whether fraudulent or misleading
- Regards personal information about others or solicits personal information of a person aged under 18 years
- Represent a private person offering the trade or sale of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms or other dangerous materials.
- Add contents related to new products or services, as well the sale of new components, in sections designated for “second hand products for sale”
- Whether sexually explicit or pornographic material
- Creates a genuine risk of physical injury or property damage, information or content illegal
- Promote self-harm, eating disorders or abuse of hard drugs, offering drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms or other dangerous materials
- Attacks, intimidate harassing non-public persons
- Violate the intellectual property, privacy or other rights of others, whether fraudulent or misleading
- Regards personal information about others or solicits personal information of a person aged under 18 years
- Represent a private person offering the trade or sale of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms or other dangerous materials.
In addition, you are not authorized to:
- Use RidesZone logo without our consent
- To break or circumvent our security measures or otherwise test the vulnerability of our systems or our networks
- Add contains to large amounts of unwanted or repetitive content, try to artificially increase views
- Use affiliate links that create confusing experience for users
- Try to reverse engineer any RidesZone software
- Attempt to interfere with any RidesZone user, host or network, such as sending viruses, performing overload, spam or mail bombing
- Collect or store personal data from RidesZone or its users without their permission
- Sell your username or otherwise transfer to other
- Create or edit ads that resemble or are confusingly similar to the contents of RidesZone
- Use RidesZone logo without our consent
- To break or circumvent our security measures or otherwise test the vulnerability of our systems or our networks
- Add contains to large amounts of unwanted or repetitive content, try to artificially increase views
- Use affiliate links that create confusing experience for users
- Try to reverse engineer any RidesZone software
- Attempt to interfere with any RidesZone user, host or network, such as sending viruses, performing overload, spam or mail bombing
- Collect or store personal data from RidesZone or its users without their permission
- Sell your username or otherwise transfer to other
- Create or edit ads that resemble or are confusingly similar to the contents of RidesZone
We reserve the right to reject, approve or remove any ad/post that negatively affects our relationship with people on RidesZone or goes against our interests, including if we think it goes against any of this rules or our Terms of Service. These rules may change at any time.
Effective: January 27th, 2024